Saturday, April 30, 2011

Who Run the WORLD??

Beyonce is back yet again!!!!! But did she come back with a bang?? Some people don't like Beyonce's new anthem "Who Run the World." I am a huge fan of hers, but I'm not sure if i agree with every artist making a move to new styles of music. Now don't me wrong, if this song were to play at a party, everyone would be dancing no doubt about it!

Beyonce is taking a new step, dub-step that is! Something that Brittney Spears did as well in her new single "Hold It Against Me." I have taken well to this new style of music. But tell me, where would our creativity go if we didn't challenge ourselves to something new every so often.

Beyonce's newly anticipated album will probably be a summer party jam and just what we need to start the summer off right! I CAN'T WAIT!

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